M151 - M151A1 - M718 - M151A1C - M151A2 - M718A1 - M825
This website is here to educate, everyone on the details of the M151 vehicles. Make, Model, Year, Kits, Parts, everything
This website is here to educate, everyone on the details of the M151 vehicles. Make, Model, Year, Kits, Parts, everything
This site is being built to fill a giant void in the research on M151 series vehicles. Years ago Ken Whowell "Mutt Guru" had a site with some of this information but it has long gone away, sadly. Facebook Groups and the G503.com & G838.org sites are great for conversation and comradery, but not able by their design, to have a simple database of information and pictures that can be navigated in a few clicks.
First, understand this is an ever changing site for multiple reasons. As new information is uncovered or pieced together it will be published. Information posted here is "current knowledge" of whatever that information provided may be. You can look back 10 years and see information that has turned 180 degrees from what everyone thought then.
Second, If you wish to contribute information please send it to me. Data plate & body number information is crucial for helping others, and is by far the best help you can give. If you send vehicle or other pictures from your own personal collection please water mark them in the corner so you get credited for the submission. I have no desire to "steal" or take credit for anyone else's submission. Help me help you. artillerydan@cox.net
This site has 100's of hours into it (at its implementation), and I know it is still nowhere near "complete". Please understand I am trying to add as much quality information as possible.
Lastly, this is a fun hobby so enjoy your vehicles. Please join your local club and especially the Military Vehicle Preservation Association www.mvpa.org . This site is paid for and built by me as a service to the MUTT lover in all of us. Dan Parmley Jr.
Detailed production data and other information (especially Ford related material) supplied by Jim Gilmore. John Murray,
Ken AKA Mutt Guru Whowell
Wire spoke steering wheel, NO turn signals on front fenders, Oval drain stoppers in driver & passenger floor, Only 2 round holes in back panel for tail lights (no hole/light for blackout light above passenger taillight). Both front and rear "A" suspension come off the "frame" at 90 degrees, pivot points are in line with the "frame".
Wire spoke steering wheel, Turn signals on front fenders, 3 round holes in back panel for tail lights (hole/light for blackout light above passenger taillight), Both front and rear "A" suspension come off the "frame" at 90 degrees, pivot points are in line with the "frame".
Plastic spoke steering wheel, "Composite" Turn signals recessed in front fenders, 2 oval holes in back panel for tail lights, Front "A" suspension come off the "frame" at 90 degrees. Rear is "trailing arm" style, pivot points are across/side to side of the vehicle, NOT in line with "frame".
If it was a test bed but never made it to production it is in here. Also the low production kits or military modified M151s into everything from a firefighting vehicle to Cutaway instruction vehicles & more.....
M151s Early 1970s to end of use. Still have Vietnam era photos but not in Vietnam.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
My first MV was a 1951 M37 that I drove to high school in 1986. From there I have owned just about every model US military vehicle made since WWII. I have dabbled in the military surplus arena since 1989 when I had no money and watched running Chenoweth military sand rails sell at auction for $600 to $2600, and all I could do is watch... I now have a couple WWII tanks, a Vietnam era APC, military motorcycles and LOTS of M151s.
I have amassed tons of information over the years on the M151 series vehicles, so now it is time to share the wealth so to speak. Everything provided in these pages is what I know (and with the help of a few others), we are all learning new information, so things will and can change. My goal is this site will be a first stop reference for everyone. The Facebook groups and .com & .org sites will be the place for questions, new pictures, and comradery. What this site can not provide.
I am the lead judge for M151 series vehicle for the MVPA (Military Vehicle Preservation Association www.mvpa.org ), and have done this for 12 or so conventions.
This hobby is a great way to give back to our Veterans. Teach both young and old about the lives of the US soldier, and the tools they used to keep the world and this country free. Very pro America, Very patriotic, history is our future.
NOTE: Pictures posted here are from my collection. If a picture is one you "own", please bring it to my attention and I will credit you for providing the picture, or remove it. My goal is to help educate with this site, everyone should be recognized for their contributions. Thanks!
Dan Parmley Jr.