After years of research to get as close to the actual, factual, data on the fasteners for the M151 series of vehicles this is what I have come up with.
Using the manuals and pictures from 1960 to 1988. Looking at unrestored vehicles in my collection and other unrestored vehicles across the United States, to come up with the correct fasteners. The manuals can only go so far and do not differentiate in visual changes to the hardware that had nothing to do with its function. Example: The same screw with a slotted head may have changed to a Phillips. Some of the other hard to verify items are the mass quantity of SEMS screws and bolts. These fasteners have integral washers usually internal or external lock washers. The other oddity or unusual fasteners are the indented hex head bolts/screws. These are the ones on the transmission tunnel and shift lever cover ( and lots of other places ).
Some of the hardware I have listed below is still not 100% correct, but very close. Many of the fine details still need to be worked out and detailed. An example of this would be the hose clamps. Early manuals and pictures show standard stainless steel "worm" style clamps that you could use a nut driver or slotted screw driver to tighten. Late 60's manuals show the double wire type that used a slotted round head screw to tighten the clamp. Then 1970s era went back to the "worm" style. Then late model AM General vehicles used the double wire type that you could use a nut driver or slotted screw driver. But as far as the military was concerned the part number stayed the same.
Last note would be this. Some of the SEMS fasteners are simply not available surplus or new production. So I have provided the correct bolt and the correct washer in the kits to correctly simulate the SEMS fastener. Also some of the fasteners may be slightly longer or shorter than original but will not affect operation. Lastly I am using grade 8 bolts for everything (hex bolts) even thought some of them come back as grade 5 according to the manuals.
This picture gives some nice details of a fresh 1971 contract AM General M151A2. Yellow cadmium fasteners abound in this photo. Gloss black under carriage components.
From project vehicles to like factory new.
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